Hello world!
I have been away from you for far too long, it seems. SO much has happened in my life since mid-May; too much to tell right now, but I'll just give a few highlights real quick-like. Here goes:
On The Amazon At Sunrise:
Strikers With Guns Patrolling the Barrier:
My God-daughter! Sheyla-Estrella
Baptisms In The Amazon:
Neighbors Passing By In Their Boat:
Enjoying The Amazon In The Rain:
Mark enjoying the view before we began our 5 mile afternoon trek of the first day of hiking:
Our View The Morning of Trek Day 2:
Marie and I after reaching our summit of more than 15,200'!!!
Definitely the scariest moment of the trip- crossing over rapids at least 50' in the air, on unstable boards... terrifying. And yet, still invigorating.
Whew! Made it!
Me And Marie :)
A'crossin' a bridge:
Overlooking Macchu Piccu :) Amazing that I got to see one of the Wonders of the World!!!
Caroline came to visit me in my new house with Sawyerand got fancy with the picture taking for the next few pics. At Starbucks enjoying my drug of choice:

Sweet baby nephew:)

Me in a door frame... obviously...:

Sawyer and I in front of my house, a.k.a. "The Manor"

Rachael and I while waiting in the E.R. till 4 am with our friend Mark who was very ill. He's fine and dandy now, but that crazy, scary weekend made me more thankful and grateful for my Baltimore family than ever :)
I went camping with Emily and Rachael (roommates) I think I was singing "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" while collecting firewood...
The Roomies gettin' fancy with the camera while starting the campfire:
I got fancy and made us dinner one night. Yummo. Yes, this is how girls go camping. In style :)
That's all for now! Life is good. Opera rehearsals are many, busy and great, and Baltimore is cold. ha.
Love you all! It's nice to be back :)
Those are GREAT pictures!!
ReplyDelete(Though I don't see you much I consider you family.)