Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Evening thoughts..
Sunday, December 14, 2008
16-Week Marathon Training Schedule
Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Total
1 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 5 Rest 15
2 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 6 Rest 16
3 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 7 Rest 17
4 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 8 Rest 19
5 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 10 Rest 21
6 4 Rest 5 4 Rest 11 Rest 24
7 4 Rest 6 4 Rest 12 Rest 26
8 4 Rest 6 4 Rest 14 Rest 28
9 4 Rest 7 4 Rest 16 Rest 31
10 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 16 Rest 34
11 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 17 Rest 35
12 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 18 Rest 36
13 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 20 Rest 38
14 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 9 Rest 27
15 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 8 Rest 19
16 3 Rest 3 Walk 2 Rest 26.2 Rest 34.2
And so it begins. 3 miles tomorrow, Big D Marathon April 5th. Yikes.
Life is flying by these days. I'd like to think that it's just because it's the holiday season, but I really think that it's just adult life... slow it down, someone, please!
My nephew, Kohen, is 6 months old, which I can't believe! We had a "Half-y Birthday" party for him- Cassie made a half cake, and we sang half-y birthday and all... Kohen didn't really get into the chocolate cake, but he'll learn ;) He's hit that point where he makes noise just because he likes to hear it come out of his mouth, and he's got the cutest funniest little laugh!!