I judge books by their cover.
Hello, my name is Annie, & I am a judger.
But you know you do it, too.
And if you don't, congratulations.
I hope to never attain your level of benevolence towards books.
I tell ya,
if they made a math book that
had the perfect pages that
felt & smelled good,
AND had amazing illustrations that
I'd like to look at,
I'd do math everyday.
And we all know how I dislike math.
Adult books.
Children's books.
I love them equally.
when someone asks me what I'm reading right now,
I'm not sure if I ought to tell them that
I'm enjoying Adventures in Odyssey books.
No, not Homer's Odyssey.
Adventures in Odyssey.

The whole series.
Or that I searched online for them & bought the last three so that
I could finish them all,
because I'm completely entrenched.
I highly recommend them for any teenagers that you know.
Or even for yourself.
You can read all 6 in a week, easy peasy.

Other kid's books I have are:I haven't read this yet,
but hey,
it's Tolkien,
so it's GOT to be good.
This little jewel I got for free at a local free bookstore
(a good reason for you all to come visit me here-
just bring extra luggage for all the cooks you will pick up :)
It has amazing illustrations,
& is filled with all kinds of stories & rhymes
for young boys & girls.

I'm going to keep this one for myself,
to read whenever my nephews & nieces (someday?)
come to visit me.
(Love it- "Ye done all right fer a gal" )
This group of books I've collected over the past year or two,
& while I haven't yet read them all,
they're perfect little old books.
~Bad Little Hannah
~The Bad Little Boy
~Captain Courageous
~The Night Riders
~Der Buch Gestalten (german poetry book)
Now to bridge into Adult books.
"The Gentleman from Indianapolis"
looks like it's gonna' be a great western drama,
though I can't figure out which age group .
& then "The Melancholy Tale of "Me".
I got this book PURELY for the amazingness that
is that title.
I haven't read past the first page, but I can tell already:
G o l d e n .
Now I have a rather odd mixing of titles.
~ The Hawk & the Dove Trilogy
This is a fantastic book! It's so good &
is a perfect read for this Easter Season.
~Oui, Je parle Francais!
This french instruction book is so wonderfully 60's. Love it.
~Sarah Morgan: The Civil War diary of a Southern Woman.
I haven't read this yet, but there's a possibility that I
am related to her.
Civil War stories + Possible Relative= Win.
& finally.
For Christmas, I was given a bit of money.
Instead of saving it for school, I decided to treat my self to some Goudge.
That's Elizabeth Goudge.
A wonderful authoress,
referred to me by my wonderful friend (and authoress, herself)
So I bought 7 of her books, & I'm OH so excited to start reading them.
So there you have it. A little book fun.
Now I'm off to practice the new opera
that is being written for me.
(How many people get to say that?! :)
Avez un bel jour, mes amies!
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