Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009
Ready, Aim,

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New Music
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Funny, Embarrasing, and oh so Me.
I invite you to a few of my thought bubbles from the past little while.
"Hm. I need a green pepper. Let's see.... yep, the bike tires are still full so I'll just bike over to SuperFresh before it gets dark....
... oh my. When's the last time I rode this thing? Around 13 and a foot shorter. Maybe 3 feet shorter, judging by how high my knees are coming up and how far over I'm bent... Oh well, I'll keep going- it's a short ride, and I don't look too dorky....
...la-di-da, just riding with traffic... I really look like I belong here......Red light, better slow dow..WHAT is that noise?!? ...Ah sheesh. My brakes are squealin' like there's no tomorrow.. THAT'S not embarrasing... Well, maybe just the back one squeaks, so I'll try and only use the front brake... it's not much farther...
...la-di-*CLACK* WHAT NOW?! ... Why on earth is it changing gear?! Smile, just be cool.. Well, at least it's still goes even though it over-rotates every *CLACK* time it does that... I ca do this...
...doop-dee doo.... Ah shoot. I forgot about that hill! Why do they always put stoplights at the bottom of big hills....*squeeeeeaaaaaalllllll* Now how am I going to get up the other side?! Better just pedal like there's no tomorrow.. here goes....
... I think I can, I think I can, I *CLACK* I can, I *CLACK* I Can, I *CLACK* I can.... sheesh-a-loo....
............ ok I don't care about rules anymore. I've got my pepper, and I'm gonna' coast home on the sidewalk... No more of this street business, riding by fast cars on big hills... I'll brave the disapproval...
...Ah man! The last hill... Lots of people on that sidewalk, I'd better just gun it on the street..
*CLACKCLACK*... uh.... yeah... definitely straddling this bike trying to walk uphill on the busy street... please don't hit me, cars....
....goodbye pride....sigh....."
"(flips off shoe) Oh look... my entire big toe is sticking out of my stocking... Yes, world, I can afford new ones..."
"Oh Great. I just locked the door and left my keys inside......"
"Mmm hot tea.... perfect for early morning classes... it's been in the thermos for 7 minutes, it should be cooler now... YEOW it's not cooler now!!!!!!!!! Aw Man! Now I look like I'm crying... my poor lip... Oh, wave to Shelby and pretend they're tears of joy. Pretend.."
Oh la la. My life... :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I could die,
I could just DIE!!!!!
So I'm feeling terribly dramatic today, probably because my opera audition was tonight and so I spent the whole day making sure I liked my staging and character portrayal. Nonetheless, there are so many things that make me just want to lay down and die today.
1 UNO:
Renée Fleming is coming!!!!!
I heard that this afternoon and was so excited.
But wait.
"She might give Masterclass"....
I seriously almost just died right when I heard those words.
She's probably my biggest heroine
(outside of the lovely ladies in my family)
and I don't mean the drug.
Although, sometimes her voice acts like one to me....
I'm sad, it's true, but she's amazing.
"Nessun Dorma"
Now, for all of you bloggers out there who are not opera nerds, and
are so unfortunate as to have never heard this song, especially being sung by Luciano Pavarotti, I am posting a link so that we can remedy your sad situation. This is truly one of the most amazing Arias ever written. And I love a LOT of music. But you can't beat this.
I was lucky enough to hear Pavarotti himself sing this LIVE.
Amazing... Let me know what you think of it.
(Be sure to silence my music player on the right, first! :)
Watch it once and see how completely effortlessly he sings it.
Then listen to it again with your eyes closed.
Yes, I could just melt. Right into a puddle on the floor.
Doesn't matter when or where, EVERY time I hear it.
Seriously the cutest boy alive right now.
And he's a genius.
He's 15 months old.
I have 2 adorable photos of him on my fridge, which make me miss him all the time.
Check out my sister's (let's just drop the "in-law" thing now. We're close enough for that ;) blog to read more about Kohen and his adorable family. They're the "Laing Family Blog" in my blogroll.
And finally, classes begin tomorrow at, most sadly, 8 am.
Let the games BEGIN!
(P.S. Pics and "Balmer" news coming soon)