cute pregnant sister Caroline to list

of my favorite things.
So here goes, but in no particular order.
I love kid's music.
I love all kinds of music,
but I still listen to tapes I've had since I was little,
and teaching for the past two years, I've accumulated even more!
And I love Disney.

Anything Disney.
Thus the particular song selections in my music-shuffle.
I figure that someday I might grow out of this,
but by then I'll probably have kids of my own and they'll listen to it,
therefore I'LL have to listen to it, so what's the point? :)
My family.

I love them.
Even more now that I live in Balmer, and they're so far away in Tejas.
They're grrrrrreat! (Tony the Tiger) The Best!(Nacho Libre)
I love quoting.
Movies ("Good, because I was gonna take them out."),
Oddessey's ("Oh Brandon, oh he's such a nice guy"),
Radio("heeeeheaewaer"- only Chason would get this.. the horse),
Tv ("Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.),
Commercial Jingles (800-588-2300, emPIRE),
Commercials ("How's it going, mom?" "mmm GWAPE!")
Now, I'm perfectly capable of carrying on a decent,
mature conversation,
but nothing adds to a sentence like a good quote,
complete with the proper voices.

He's just the funniest little thing.
It's gonna be fun.
Check this out:
I enjoy going new places
and, for the most part, meeting new people
(though some are very grumpy and rude)
Today, I plan on taking my bike and doing a little city-seeing!
Here's a new place for you to see:
My new little appy.
I enjoy rapping in opera.
Never heard it?
Ok, try this.
Think of any rap-ish sort of song you know,
or it could be any song with poorer diction,
and sing it with impeccable diction, and clear tone.
Try as an example:
"I won't tell you that I love you,kiss an' hug you
'cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
I'm not ly'n, I'm just stunnin' with my love
I will not tell you that I love you, kiss and hug you
because I am bluffing with my muffin
I am not lying, I am just stunning with my love
glue gunning.
I laugh every time.
Maybe you have to hear it.
My family sure loves it.
And there are my six for today, my peeps.
Holla' if you're feelin' it.
::Laughing:: You are hilarious, Annie!! I love the Opera Rapping. Haha!! Brilliant! ;)