Mes chères amies,
Because the Christmas/ finals/ travel/ fun season is upon us, I think it likely that I shall have little time for posting in the next little while. SO here's a post with old news, new news, and fun for your brain to chew on in this while.
Last weekend was the most fun, and definitely the BEST way to kick off this wonderful holiday season.
Thursday was the Monument Lighting. Every first Thursday of the month, they set up a stage and have live bands and kiosks with food and drink, and this first Thursday was no different! Lights, hot cocoa, lots of different groups singing Christmas Carols. It was glorious. I having this picture as my front yard:
Here's the monument all lit up with snowflake lights:

And here are a few videos of the lighting ceremony. They had fireworks with the Transiberian Orchestra's Carol of the Bells.
Friday was Barry's Birthday party. It also happened to be quite a hectic day, so when Shelby and I made him a birthday cake to take to the Afghani restaurant with us, it was still a little bit warm... and falling apart.. By far, the most delicious failure of a cake I've ever made. Look at it.. Glorious. And the waiter came up to me and said "I'm so sorry, but the way the foil was on it, we couldn't stop it from falling apart." Yes, sir, it is totally your fault :)
Saturday morning, Shelby woke me up with a call, telling me it was snowing! YAY! So we definitely threw clothes on and went and played in it for a little while. Until we decided to stop freezing and go eat some breakfast. :)
And I also decorated my appy in true Christmas fashion.
My first tree, before and after:
And finally, Michael's Christmas party (where I ended up wearing an elf hat.. I rock that look, I assure you..), followed by my meeting some friends at Mick O'Sheas to see a live Irish band.
With Shelby, and Kate
And now backing it up a bit to Thanksgiving. I went home to Tejas, and mucho much-o fun we did have. We devoured a turkey, decorated the family tree, and compared bellies :) Glorioso.
Here are some videos of my ADORABLE nephew. That baby cracks me up to no end!
1) HOW do the blind cords always manage to get tangled?! Every time I straighten them out, it's like someone comes behind me and musses them up again.. it's a mystery, I tell ya...
2) I have made all of my Christmas presents this year! I always thought it would be fun to do that, and this year, I've actually managed it! They're almost finished and ready to be packed and mailed. Successssssssssss= Glorious.
3) I have two finals (that's all! can I say it again- Glorious..) this week, for which I'm madly studying... except for the time I'm taking on here, of course.... :) And I'll head home Friday for a month of holiday.
4) I am addicted to Christmas music. (Oh vince, vance, and the vailants....) The dial goes between two Christmas-only stations...
5)This Wednesday, Barry, Shelby and I are up and going to NYC just for fun! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. It's going to be SOO fun. I love NYC at Christmas time!!
Pictures are most definitely to come.
Merry Christmas, my dear ones :)
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