I love writing and sending letters.
But I think that I love stationery even more.
I watched "Last Chance Harvey" for the first time,
and when Kate is being set up on a blind date with a man "in stationery"
and she says "I love stationery," I yelled "ME TOO!"
A gal after my own heart.
Why, walking through the Dollar Spot at Target is a dangerous thing-
There's always a perfectly perfect little set of notecards positively calling my name.
And of course I answer the call.
It's the Dollar Spot.
How can I not?
Ingenious bit of advertising they've got going on at Target...
And as I bought a new cell phone last week
and the salesman plugged on and on
about different text messaging packages I could get,
I couldn't help but think of how nobody writes letters anymore!
People spend hundred's of dollars per month
to have internet and texting capabilities on their phones so that
they can message anytime they want,
but I bet if you asked every single one of them,
they'd tell you how they get excited when checking the mail everyday,
even if all they get is bills, and that they'd be
THRILLED to get a letter from anyone.
How personal and thoughtful is it to receive a letter!
The picture above is the "stationery wardrobe" of a woman who wrote
Ahhh, another gal after my own heart.
And did you know that 150ish years ago and before,
letter writing was a predominantly male art form?
Of course, I shouldn't have been surprised to read that,
since practically everything back then was ruled by men.
I must say that I'm glad times have changed,
although I would not mind at all a guy who could wield some power with a pen,
and have stellar handwriting.
Keep in mind, oh future man o' mine.
So now I'm off to make a plate of cookies to go alongside
a nice spot of tea,
and watch Lost in Austen
while I dust off my fountain pens.
Here's another link to an interesting site:

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